Monday, March 7, 2011

She Speaks

As women, we all have voices...She Speaks Conference shows us how to use them effectively. From what I understand, this conference takes women who want to write, speak or lead other women to the next level of commitment. It encourages, teaches, and empowers them to use the voices God gave them to His glory.

The Lord has been tugging on my heart for almost 10 years to write a book (2 actually). At the time the nudging began, the first story was only half written...

I was in the pit for 8 years and He brought me out. He gave me hope and a future with promises of what He had in store. As time went on, pieces fell into place and the promises He made were kept. I was blessed with an amazing husband and beautiful children. He brought me a job in ministry that allows me to work from home; doing all the things I love to do, while serving Him with my special talents. Meanwhile His whispers to my heart to write a book continued...

I first heard about She Speaks about 3 years ago. At the time, I knew I would attend some day. I don't know if this is the year, but I DO know I am waiting on the Lord's timing. If this is the year I am to go, I know He will provide a way. If anyone reading this is interested in a She Speaks scholarship, click here for more information. In the meantime, I wait and I pray for His leading, knowing He will direct my path and in the process His name will be glorified.



  1. May the Lord open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. Blessed be the Lord.

  2. Nice to meet you, I found your blog via the She Speaks blog. I am hoping to go too! Praying taht God with make a way for us all to go to this life changing event. I am on a mission to meet as many Christian women with a heart for God that I can.
    Hope you will stop by and get to know me too!
    Enjoyed my visit.
    Many Blessings, Deborah
